Monday, October 17, 2005

Hello Mr. Gates

From yours truly,

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The Morning Mail
From Journal Sentinel readers
Last Updated: Oct. 15, 2005

More high-tech jobs are being outsourced

As a computer science graduate with 20-plus years in the software development field, I am troubled by the message "people here are not going to have any trouble getting a high-paying . . . high-impact job" ("Gates woos UW students," Oct. 13). What "here" is Bill Gates talking about?
Many software-development jobs are being sent offshore to countries such as India and China. Big players in the "golden age" of the software industry, such as GE, Dell, Accenture, IBM and Microsoft itself, are among the companies outsourcing many of these high-paying, high-impact jobs Gates presumably is referring to.

In a brief five years, Bangalore, India, home to the state-of-the-art GE John F. Welch Technology Centre, has transformed itself from a low-wage, low-skill-levels-needed "software bug fixer" to a powerhouse of software development companies, many of which will likely develop leading-edge applications in the near future. What's more, software development is already being outsourced from Bangalore to countries such as Cambodia and Vietnam, where wages are even lower.

Yes, Mr. Gates, I, too, think "software is the coolest field there is." However, do not ignore what happens in the boardroom when companies, such as Microsoft, decide to outsource the highly skilled, highly paid and intellectually challenging jobs that are the plums of the computer science field.

Linda Roberts

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