Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Bush's Bubble

From Interview with Brian Williams (NBC News):

"Williams: This says you're in a bubble. You have a very small circle of advisors now. Is that true? Do you feel in a bubble?

President Bush: No, I don't feel in a bubble. I mean, you feel in a bubble in the sense that I can't go walking out the front gate and, you know, go shopping, like I'd love to do for my wife. Although I may, I'm not going to tell you what I'm going to buy her.

Look, I feel like I'm getting really good advice from very capable people and that people from all walks of life have informed me and informed those who advise me. And I feel very comfortable that I'm very aware of what's going on.

I just talked to the president-elect of Honduras. A lot of my job is foreign policy. and I spend an enormous amount of time with leaders from other countries. And they come right here in the Oval Office and tell me what's on their mind and I tell them what's on my mind. This is the first time I'm seeing this magazine. "

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