Wednesday, March 15, 2006


You know your addicted to huskies when...

You spend your last 20 bucks on dog food and you go home and eat ramen noodles.

You sleep on the couch because they look so cute asleep on your bed and you don't want to disturb the angels.

People have quit commenting about the hair that is always on your clothes.

You start giving your children hairball rememdy during coat blowing season.

Eating husky hair really doesn't bother you anymore.

You have spent over 50 dollars on finding "the best" brush for your sibes.

You have worn out more than one vacuum in a years time.

You buy vacuum bags in bulk.

You wished the pet super store had it's own credit card.

Your huskies have a health care plan, but you don't.

Your safe in knowing that if someone broke into your back yard they would never reach the house because they would fall in a hole and land face first in a sibe "land mine".

Your back yard looks like a area that has been bombed full of craters, but you won't fill in the holes because it upsets "them".

Your picket fence out front is falling over and needs paint & repair, but your dog run is secure and fantastic!

To heck with a better mouse trap, your trying to build a "better" fence.

You laugh at the idea of escape proof.

You think husky kisses are the best feeling in the world.

You don't mind sibes playing leap frog over your back while weeding the garden.

Your neighbors think your weird because you stand outside and woo at your dogs every morning.

You had to have the plumber come out twice in one year to unclog husky hair from drain in the tub.

You buy a kiddie pool, when you don't have kids.

You find yourself praying for heavy snow.

You spend more time brushing your sibes fur, than you do your own hair.

You shop for sibe bumper stickers, coffee mugs, mouse pads or t-shirts.

You miss the 4th of July fireworks because you had to stay home with the dogs because they were scared of the noise.

You bought your sibes their own tree ornaments.

You have pictures of them on your desk at work.

And last but not least, You know your addicted to huskies when.... you laugh off other dog owners comments of your "obsession" thinking....... "Their just jealous cause their dog isn't a Siberian Husky!"

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