Sunday, February 20, 2005

What's Happening in Lindaland?

What am I doing, now that my position at GE Healthcare Information technologies was IMPACTED?

  • Looking for another job - sending off resumes and cover letters is hard!
  • Waking up without an alarm - what a pleasure
  • Volunteering at the Wisconsin Humane Society - selling items in the Animal Antics Store
  • Reading mysteries - Found a new series - Rei Shimura by Sujata Massey
  • Working on LPB, LLC - Empowering Women
  • Running 4 days a week and exercising at the gym 3 days a week - it's about time to get rid of the fat and tighten up those muscles
  • Decluttering the house - what a dream!
  • Learning XML and the .NET technologies - the more things change, the more they stay the same
  • Checking out thirft shops and estate sales - can be creepy going over some one else's stuff

And how would I do this all, if it wasn't for my favorite furry trio of K-9 buddies?

Mel, Roger, and Ruby.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The furry trio is great. mel is the smartest. roger is the sweetest. ruby is the softest. linda is the greatest.