Friday, August 12, 2005

Topical Jokes for Today

Laughing Librarian

Check out the Laughing Librarian @

A source of birthday, holiday, and father day's gifts for you know whom.

I couldn't resist: (ha ha ha!)

"Yesterday Jennifer Wilbanks, the runaway bride had to cut the lawn of a city building as part of her community service. However, she was using a riding mower and was in Arizona by the evening." -- Conan O'Brien ----

"Today after President Bush signed the new transportation bill he said that it's not enough to just pass the law - he said now "people have to show up to do the work." Then he went back to his five-week vacation." -- Jay Leno --

Laughing Budda
Mr. Ed Laughing

Laughing Caviliar 1624
Laughing Bugs Bunny

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