Thursday, August 18, 2005

In Memory of Kiwi

It must be that I have not recovered from killing the crow last summer...was it only last summer? He was in the street on 88th and Frankie the car hit him. We jumped out and put him in a blanket and drove him to the wildlife center at the WHS. The attendant there said he'd probably be ok. We called the next day, and the crow had had a broken pelvic bone and died. We were inconsolable....

Then the other day little a. and I were driving to Madison and a bunch of birds flew up from the highway - one didn't move fast enough and smached into Frankie's windshield wiper - leaving a smallish smear of birdness. We almost burst into tears.

So when I saw the report of Kiwi on the WHS site, I thought karma had come round. An injured bird would be saved. But later that day I read the sad news of Kiwi's death. Some wretched person had hit this tiny bird with a broom causing extensive injuries-brain, wing, eyes.....

This on top of reading about the evil BTK person, I wonder how humanity survives.


Kiwi was a Conure - I don't even particulary like birds - Alfred Hitchcock has wrecked me for life. Take a look and learn something about Conures @

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