Monday, August 08, 2005

Stem Cells: Edited Letter

Editing Lessens Impact of Letter
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

Original Letter to the Editor
Free Elizabeth Kastner
Edited Letter to the Editor
Time to inject some rationale

In response to your Editorial "Doyle needs to apologize" I believe that the Governor's staff was just trying to make "a point" to Speaker Gard. "Needling" our assembly speaker was the hope of a desperate mother and all kidding aside, this issue is no laughing matter.

Was Mr. Gard unaware that the barriers that misinformation create and the fear-mongering of organizations hoping to strangle the rights of Americans for their own agenda are worthy of demonstrations of such impact.? Elizabeth Kastner of Fish Creek does what my nephew Nick does every day, monitors her blood sugar and uses those needles to correct an illness called Juvenile Diabetes.

Instead of using our abilities in research to find ways of replacing Nick's needles with disease-correcting transplanted cells, we will relegate him to this daily painful choice because of the misinformation that comes from groups like Right to Life. Embryonic Stem Cell research can remove the needles from Speaker Gard's office if he is committed to the people of Wisconsin and to Elizabeth Kastner.

Apologize? I would prefer to see Speaker Gard deliver those needles back to Elizabeth with his promise that, being elected to government office, he will do everything in his power to end her enslavement to last century's technology. That Speaker Gard will, like many in government today, realize that it is time to "stick" the misconceptions and political agendas in a drawer and free Elizabeth
Kastner and Nick and the millions of potential children with Juvenile Diabetes from the grip of a zealous but misguided opposition to Embryonic Stem Cell research.

George L Morris MD.
Whitefish Bay, WI

In response to the July 29 editorial "Doyle needs to apologize," I believe the governor's staff was just trying to make a point to Rep. John Gard (R-Peshtigo). Needling our Assembly speaker was the hope of a desperate mother. All kidding aside, this issue is no laughing matter.

Was Gard unaware that the barriers misinformation create and the fear-mongering of organizations hoping to strangle the rights of Americans for their own agenda are worthy of demonstrations of such impact? Elizabeth Kastner of Fish Creek does what my nephew Nick does every day, monitors blood sugar and uses needles to correct an illness.

Instead of using our abilities in research to find ways to replace Nick's needles with disease-correcting transplanted
cells, we will relegate him to this daily painful choice. Embryonic stem cell research can remove the needles from Gard's office if he is committed to the people of Wisconsin and to Kastner.

Apologize? I would prefer to see Gard return those needles to Kastner with his promise to do everything in his power to end her enslavement to last century's technology. Gard should realize it is time to stick the misconceptions and political agendas in a drawer and free Kastner, Nick and others from the grip of a zealous but misguided opposition to embryonic stem cell research

George L. Morris
Whitefish Bay, WI

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